20th June 2020

NameCheap highlights FaceBook’s latest tactic to create an end-run on not only your privacy but the GDPR itself. Instead of GDPR being the hardest legal standard to meet, “legitimate interest” becomes the free pass for anyone who wants to use it, in particular Facebook. And, it would break wide-open unrestrained access to your private information — whether you are covered by the GDPR or not. Such a decision would open the door to your data for basically anyone who requests it with a very limited burden of proof.

Does Facebook really care about protecting you from cybercrime or are their recent efforts their newest Trojan Horse to get personal data that Facebook doesn’t have a right to have? We think it is the latter. What do you think?

With BigTech companies like FaceBook, Twitter, Google, Apple and others shadow banning anyone they disagree with and placing selective limits on free speech, it’s probably past time you ditched FaceBook entirely, close your account and move to a different social media and technology platforms. Popular alternatives exist as shown below. Click their logo below to join them or find out more information about them:

An alternative to Google Chrome browser is Brave! and it’s actually very good.

PDF – Article from NameCheap on FaceBook’s latest attack on your privacy

Link to the On-Line article can be found by clicking the image below:


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