General |
- Apple MacOS – XSTRA fully supports Apple MAC computers with connecting to our range of XCLOUD products. However, XSTRA does not provide any inclusive or free support for devices running Apple’s desktop operating system, commonly known as, “MacOS” for other incidents, requests or problems. Any additional support for devices running “MacOS” will be charged to the Client at our standard Schedule 1 Rates and Charges.
- Admin and Test User Accounts: To support the XCLOUD systems, XSTRA needs to be licensed to access the Client’s XCLOUD system. Two additional accounts will be invoiced to the Client each month, with a 50% discount applied to these users.
XCLOUD – User Account – Disablement & Deletion Policy |
Often Clients forget to disable a User account with us and as a result they incur costs that should have been avoided. To assist Clients with this problem, and unless we have written directives from the Client to the contrary, XSTRA will:
- disable remote application and/or desktop access (including RDP and/or ICA) for any User Account that has not been used for 45 days
- delete any User Account in Active Directory that has not been logged into for the past 135 days
- before deleting the User Account in Active Directory, we will check if the User Account exists in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) via the Active Directory Sync service if it exists, and if the User Account does exist in Azure AD, and there is an Office 365 license assigned to the User and the User has logged into their Office 365 account within the past 135 days, we will:
- convert the User Account in Azure AD to a Cloud Only account type, or else
- we will also un-assign the Office 365 license, follow any client specific policies or procedures for removing an Office 365 license from a User, and then delete the User Account from Azure AD
XCLOUD – System Maintenance Schedule |
See XDEVICE for Maintenance Schedules, Caveats, Terms & Conditions |
XCLOUD Enterprise – Zoom Meeting Restrictions |
For optimal security when conducting Zoom meetings within a Citrix Enterprise environment, it is advisable to access Zoom through its website instead of using the Zoom application. This recommendation stems from the necessity of installing an additional Zoom application on the local device to ensure compatibility and functionality with Citrix. Unfortunately, installing this supplemental application requires disabling Citrix Advanced App Protection, which compromises security measures. |
Virtual Desktop Session Persistence – Users will find that for the majority of the time, virtual desktop sessions are persistent between logon and logoff events. However, persistent sessions will be terminated from time to time to facilitate maintenance and other administrative tasks. It is therefore important that you SAVE all of your work before you disconnect from your virtual desktop session. |
A Common List of File Types Typically Blocked from Creation by Standard XCLOUD Users |
Category |
File Types |
Executable Files |
” *.bat, *.cmd, *.com, *.cpl, *.exe, *.inf, *.js, *.jse, *.msh, *.msi, *.msp, *.ocx, *.pif, *.pl, *.ps1, *.scr, *.vb, *.vbs, *.wsf, *.wsh “ |
System Files |
” *.acm, *.dll, *.ocx, *.sys, *.vxd “ |
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